

This morning, the one-day-old male elephant, being assisted by the breeders, got acquainted with the first member of the herd, female elephant Tamara. After Tamara, the baby will be gradually introduced also to the other members of the herd in the following days.

This morning, shortly after three o’clock, Janita gave birth to her first baby after 639 days of pregnancy. The birth of the new-born male will be recorded in the history of Prague Zoo because he is the first baby elephant not only born here but also conceived here. His father is Mekong, who conceived the baby before his...

Prague Zoo is celebrating yet another breeding success. On Wednesday the 20th of January, a baby Giant Anteater was born; one of the most bizarre mammals on Earth. For Prague Zoo it is the first baby anteater born in its breeding history. The proud parents are female Ella and male Hannibal, who arrived at the zoo in summer 2014.

The story originated on Chinese news websites but owes its runaway pan-European success to an article in the British Daily Mail – and to its over-the-top headline:
Monster from the deep: Extremely rare giant salamander measuring a whopping 4ft 7in discovered in remote cave in China

Karlo, the male, whose age is estimated to be less than 40 years, already measures an unbelievable 158 cm. Photo: Petr Hamerník, Prague Zoo

Karlo, who lives in the Giant Salamanders' Pavilion which opened last year in Prague Zoo, is probably the largest Chinese Giant Salamander in the world and therefore also the largest amphibian in the Planet. With his length of 158 cm he beats by up to twenty centimetres the Giant Salamander recently discovered near Chongqing...

As a lion born back in India, Jamvan is genetically very valuable to the European breeding efforts. Photo: Miroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo

Prague Zoo is celebrating another major international success. Complex diplomatic negotiations lasting several years have culminated with the arrival of rare lions that come straight from the Indian state of Gujarat.  This means that, after a gap of more than twenty years, Prague Zoo has become the only zoological garden in...

The northern white rhinoceros are dying out before our eyes. The female Nola was put to death in the San Diego Zoo on Sunday due to problems related to her high age and today there are only three individuals left in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya where they were transported from the zoo in Dvůr Králové nad Labem. The last...

My notes this year include a very long list of newly discovered animal species and other events in zoology that are significant or at least remarkable. Sarah Woodfin and the Annamite striped rabbit are among the top items on my list. I was very pleased by the fact that this student has managed to document such an interesting animal!

Jamvan and Ginni. Photo: Jaroslav Šimek, Zoo Praha

The negotiations and preparations took three years. On Wednesday afternoon, on the Czech Statehood Day, as a matter of coincidence, I received news from Gujarat at last, finally confirming the date of departure of the three Indian lions from the Sakkarbaug Zoo to Prague. I heaved a sigh of relief – and simultaneously prayed...

Photo: Petr Hamerník, Zoo Praha

Our baby aardvark, which has become one of the stars of a country-wide outdoor campaign focused on Prague Zoo’s prominent baby animals, is growing like a weed. When he was born, on Sunday, July 26, the descendent of our Aardvark female Kvída was very small and did not want to suckle, so the keepers fed him from a syringe. It...