

It’s quite incredible. In a rather dingy department store you take the lift to the top floor and it opens onto one of the most appalling menageries in the world. It is located in Bangkok, Thailand, on the top floor of the Pata Department Store. I first visited this menagerie more than three years ago and at the time I wrote:

The Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade, held last week in London, was hardly mentioned by the Czech media. It was as though the protection of elephants, rhinoceroses, pangolins and other species threatened by poaching and illegal trade were not our concern. Of course it is, which some of Czech zoos as well as other...

He has gone down in history as one of the symbols of the catastrophic flood of 2002. When the water flooded the pachyderms’ house, virtually no one expected that Slávek the hippo, who was trapped on the ground floor, would survive. Eventually, however, to everyone’s surprise, the volunteers found him alive and well on the...

The skylark I saw this spring and summer, singing loudly as it flittered above the fields, will be heading for France, or across France to the Iberian Peninsula. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for it.

The visitors who will come to Elephant Valley in the evenings these days will observe an amazing view – an elephant herd at sunset. The zookeepers have decided to try a new idea and the elephants are let to the outdoor paddock at night. The change of the established regime was accepted by the elephants very positively and...

Last week another two Egyptian Vultures were taken from Prague Zoo to the Bulgarian mountains. Both of this year’s young, one of which hatched at Zlín Zoo, will spend about three weeks in an artificial nest and then be released to bolster the numbers of this endangered species in the wild.

I am not surprised, for that matter I have written many times about this issue, but it has not diminished my disbelief and, above all, disgust.

Photo: Miroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo

The Mongolian rangers Altanashagai and Biligsaichan are on a week-long trip to the Great Gobi A Strictly Protected Area on brand new motorbikes. The bikes are laden with fuel, water and materials for the patrol of this desolate area the size of Switzerland. Here they face an extremely strenuous ride taking them on stony and...

This weekend, Prague Zoo director Miroslav Bobek together with the Czech ambassador in Mongolia Jiří Brodský presented eight motorcycles with a total price of CZK 130 000 to the wardens of the Strictly Protected Area Great Gobi A. Photo: Miroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo.

Bayan Toroi, 24 June 2018 – This weekend, the director of Prague Zoo Miroslav Bobek, together with the Czech ambassador in Mongolia Jiří Brodský presented a gift of eight motorcycles with a total price of CZK 130 000 to the wardens of the Strictly Protected Area Great Gobi A. In this manner Prague Zoo contributes to the...

For the eighth time, we’ve transported Przewalski's Horses from the Czech Republic to Mongolia using CASA army aircraft. It may seem routine, but actually we were all very nervous. Being successful seven times does not necessarily guarantee success for the eighth time. Even a small thing can tip the balance.