

A total of fifteen architects ateliers participated in the design contest for the new gorilla pavilion. For Prague Zoo it´s construction is crucial, as the current pavilion is located at the lowest part of the Zoo and in case of another major flood the evacuation of gorillas would be connected with enormous risk. All the...

Being subsumed within the flock of flamingos, she escapes the attention of visitors, and surprisingly even most of the contemporary witnesses don´t know about her. In spite of that, the female of Caribbean Flamingo, which doesn´t have a name, but only an identification mark F5 and red ring FHF on her leg, is absolutely...

Our first young of this year is a male of Lechwe, born to seven-year-old female Slávka, by coincidence the first Lechwe, born in Prague Zoo.

So the word is out. I have got a phone call from Czech News Agency, that The Times of India published information about India donating three lions to an unnamed Czech zoo. Yes, they are coming to our zoo. Two females and one male should arrive from the Sakkarbaug Zoo in Gujarat.

Some time ago I was asked to relay the answers to the inquiry "How will you spend Christmas this year?", where the respondents to this question should be our animals. Fine, let´s proceed. We have prepared a wider survey, for which the curators of Prague Zoo have served as our qualified researchers.

Opposite the spectacular Centennial Hall, built in 1912 – 1913 a huge black block grew up in Wroclaw. The cost of its construction was the equivalent of 1.3 billion CZK and no doubt it will be another prominent tourist attraction of the town. Afrykarium is concealed within it. Although it opened several weeks ago, now I feel...

The Red List of Threatened Species of Plants and Animals, published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), celebrates this year its 50th anniversary. This work significantly contributes to the effort to preserve biodiversity and raise public awareness of threatened species; yet, with the clock ticking, the...

Many admire them. A couple of lions appearing in an illustration, which I have auctioned on internet for two hundred Czech Crowns and now have hanging in my office.

Keepers in the Prague Zoo decided to connect the couple of Giant Anteaters, who came to the Zoo in June this year to restart the breeding of these amazing animals.

Prague Zoo has launched a campaign titled “Make Better Use of your Ticket“, which is trying to promote ecological transport options to get to the Zoo.