Jepe the Bactrian Camel

Meet Them!

The largest camel in the Prague herd, Jepe rules his harem with prudence and imperturbable sang-froid, and has already been at it for over ten years. You can easily recognize him: his entire front hump tends to teeter to the right.


Jepe was born in Aalborg Zoo in Denmark on April 20, 2002, moving to Prague in 2003. He replaced a male named Kňábert and, just as Kňábert had done, Jepe, too, shares an enclosure with a herd of females and their young.


Male camels can sometimes be rather disagreeable or even aggressive, but our Jepe has a calm and genial disposition. This can best be appreciated when there is some disagreement within his hoofed family, for Jepe resolves any dispute with grace and composure.

Jepe treats people just as he treats his wives and children: with friendliness. He never misses a chance to get a good scratching – or to get a delicious treat. Gingerly, he grasps the carrot or apple with his soft velvety lips and is very careful not to bite anyone. His favorite pastime is to lounge in the shade of trees, surrounded by his harem, rhythmically ruminating and studying his surroundings through squinted eyes. That does not mean, however, that he is an apathetic creature. For if he should feel that someone has but looked askance at his protégées, he is immediately ready to defend them.
In the course of his reign over his ungulate harem, Jepe has already sired over 15 calves.

Jepe the Bactrian Camel (c) Tomas Adamec

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Total zoo area 58 ha
Total exhibit area 50 ha
Number of pavilions 15
Number of exhibits over 150
Number of employees 240


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