The Anteaters Hannibal and Ella are finally together


06. 11. 2014

Keepers in the Prague Zoo decided to connect the couple of Giant Anteaters, who came to the Zoo in June this year to restart the breeding of these amazing animals.

Ella and Hannibal together for the first time. Photo: Petr Hamerník, Prague Zoo Ella and Hannibal together for the first time. Photo: Petr Hamerník, Prague Zoo

The first meeting of the Anteaters was about getting known each other and checking out the situation. Until now their mutual interaction was possible only through the fence, separating their enclosures.

Nevertheless, the keepers believe that Ella and Hannibal will become fond of each other and Prague Zoo will welcome the first offspring of this remarkable species.
A male of Anteater is usually dominant over a female, but it is more complicated for Hannibal because of his size. Ella is bigger of the two, although they both are the same age. 

Prague Zoo keepers firmly believe that Ella and Hannibal hit it off and after all the first baby of Giant Anteater will be born in Prague Zoo.

Giant Anteaters have a highly distinctive appearance. A tubular snout holds up to 60 cm long sticky tongue. They are capable to eat about 30 thousand ants or termites a day, but in the zoo they are fed a special mash. They use their strong and long claws to dig into the termite mounds.