

Indonesia’s nature constitutes one of the most valuable and, at the same time, most fragile places in the world. Its myriad islands have served as the cradle of some totally unique species. However, due to their isolation, they are much more susceptible to any sort of encroachment, which is why a lot of them are being pushed...

Photo: Prague Zoo

The Philippines is one of the world’s most species-rich regions. However, its unique local bird species are threatened by the terrifying speed with which their forest habitats are disappearing.  The majority of Philippine owls and many other bird species, therefore, face an uncertain future.

The smallest of the four vulture species found in Europe, the Egyptian vulture also holds a sad primacy as the most endangered of the four. That is why Prague Zoo is pursuing and developing a project to help vultures in their South European homeland.

Gorilla conservation in Central Africa is the subject matter of one of Prague Zoo’s flagship in situ projects. Thanks to the funds collected in the ‘We Help Them to Survive’ fundraising account, Prague Zoo can pursue and develop activities to help gorillas, focusing on environmental education.

The Central Asian Przewalski’s Horse is the very last surviving wild horse species. The world learned of its existence only in 1881 – but less than a hundred years later, at the turn of the 1970s, it had already been driven to extinction in the wild, surviving only in the care of zoological gardens.

The Gharial is a critically endangered and unique crocodilian species of extraordinary conservation value. Indeed, it is the rarest large animal on the Indian subcontinent. The goal of our project is to prevent its extinction.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the western subspecies of the giant eland occurred in seven African states. Now, it is found in the wild only in Senegal – in the Niokolo-Koba National Park – and numbers around 170 individuals.

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